Saturday, November 25, 2006

All Those Things You Never Said

Here is a list of things no one has ever said to me.

You might like this pope.

That's a really cute top on you.
(even though it was)

If they close down the community center where are us kids going to get together!?

Jody, I know it's been hard, but America needs you back on that ship.

Since it really should have been your child why don't you go ahead and be the godfather.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

All Up in MySpace

Having typed that title up there I know, like I know the sun is hot without touching it, that I've just spit out a tired, unimaginative cliche, even without ever having heard anyone say "All up in myspace." I've got my finger on the pulse like that.

Well it's been months folks and guess who's got nothing good for you? This guy. What this is is a post for posting's sake. I swore I'd never do it, but I also swore I'd never get sad and drunk and drive along rainy streets on a cold, cold night again, but here we are. So without any ado whatsoever here is a MySpace correspondence of profound interest. Yes, I completely believe that what I'm saying in MySpace messages is the most cleverest. Enjoy, if you dare.

Subject: Hey, Old Friend

Her: hey jody
i still haven't seen you since you've been back in Georgia.
we should make that happen.

Me: this is very true. how have you been?

Her: i am doing well, i am a floral designer, am about to get a new apartment, and have a kitty. That is the brief summary. how are you?

Me: you have told me you're a floral designer, like, eight times. congratulations on the apartment. i have finally finished transcribing my book, and am now doing some actual editing. i'm thrilled to the bone. so, if well-beings were crossword puzzles, i'd be The New York Times Crossword Puzzle, Sunday Edition. thank you for asking. i hope you have a good Thanksgiving. if you're down this way we should grab some coffee with Kate.

Also, congratulation on giving birth to a baby cat.
